Monday, 5 March 2012

Join our campaign demanding value from your service desk investment

We recently wrote a blog article about the latent potential of most service desk installations (50 per cent of service functionality is unused), and explained how vendors and customers need to work harder to derive value from their investment. 
Given that economic conditions continue to be extremely testing, cranking up pressure on IT departments to demonstrate the financial contribution they make, we feel this is an issue that should be discussed and highlighted further.  With that in mind, we are starting a Twitter campaign encouraging vendors and customers to join forces and drive up the quality of service desk implementations: #SDvalue.  At Richmond, we are passionate about rewarding our customers’ loyalty and financial commitment by working with them to ensure that each installation is working at optimum levels.  It is our belief that all service desks should receive the same treatment and that customers should challenge their vendors to justify their licence and support fees by helping solve the common problems faced. 
A good vendor will not shy away from this challenge.  Richmond has many years experience working across myriad sites, helping overcome multiple challenges - some unique, some universal.  Whether you are a Richmond customer, or work with a different supplier, you should be tapping into this pool of knowledge. 
In the next few months, we will be publishing tips and advice for helping every business gain value from their service desks and we will push this agenda to the wider community.  If you would like to support our campaign, look out for the #SDvalue hashtag on Twitter and point any disgruntled customers you see towards @RichmondSystems.  Most importantly, don’t accept mediocrity, and instead build your relationships and maximise your investment.  And if you don’t receive the support you’re looking for, perhaps it’s time to switch suppliers.

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