Thursday, 15 March 2012

Consumerisation merely a precursor to the ‘major wave’ of personal tech

If you are surprised how quickly individuals in your organisation - who previously had no interest in technology - have taken consumer tech to their heart, analyst Gartner has the following message: you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Consumerisation has been creeping up the corporate IT agenda for the past five years, yet even the scale of change this has brought about will be eclipsed in the next 12 months, with consumer tech becoming a ‘megatrend’.  Gartner says that as users become more technology savvy, their expectations of what it delivers is heightened, which in turn means they will expect more from the IT department.  Users, emboldened by the voice given to them on social media and the affordability of powerful computing devices, have become innovators of technology.  This means the role of IT support, once that of teacher and guardian, must now become a co-worker, collaborating with business users to find solutions to business problems.
This changing role is a difficult mental leap, as it alters the fundamental position of IT support which has been in place ever since businesses began using PCs.  However, it is vital that all of us begin thinking in these terms.  Change won’t happen overnight, but the better we are prepared for it, the better it will be for those of us in an IT support capacity, and our customers.
Gartner’s conclusion also adds more weight to our recent blog post (Stop ignoring consumer device support - before you customers start ignoring you) which urges all support teams to face and begin to define a strategy around non-corporate procured devices.  If you need help expanding your helpdesk services to accommodate consumer devices, give us a call on 01428 641616 or check out our upgrade centre.

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