Friday, 27 July 2012

Service desks sitting on massive cost savings (and it’s nothing to do with user support)

By looking outside of its own walls, service desks can deliver significant savings to the business.  Richmond Systems explains the latent potential of the software you use everyday.

IT a commodity? Tell that to millions of banking customers

The IT troubles befalling UK banks will have huge financial implications, with lost customers, extra staff to cope with problems and compensation claims.  Richmond Systems looks at whether ‘IT as a commodity’ is damaging the industry.

Technology becomes the top business spending priority

Following years of neglect, IT investment has become the number one focus for organisations according to analyst Gartner, with company leaders willing to spend on the latest technology to gain an advantage over their competitors.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Why the £10 IT education crisis threatens all of our futures

Like many parts of the public sector, IT in schools and colleges is suffering from budget cuts, yet the problem may be so profound it threatens the future of Britain's global IT standing.

Forget product knowledge, IT asset specialists need better communication skills

IT asset management professionals now need legal expertise and negotiation abilities to complement their analytics and product experience.