Friday, 25 April 2008

Richmond SupportDesk Self Service Portal

Richmond Systems are pleased to announce the latest release of Richmond SupportDesk v6.7 with a brand new Richmond SupportDesk Self Service Portal.

This provides your end users with customised interactive access to Richmond SupportDesk 24/7 via standard web browsers, enhancing customer satisfaction whilst reducing costs. The benefits of the new software include:

1.) Fully Configurable Solution- for the specific support needs of diverse internal user groups creating a bespoke interface look and feel using system options, templates and style sheets.

2.) Internal support- can encourage departments to log incidents via the web by ensuring the interface is appropriate to the experience and requirements of each user.

3.) Personalised knowledge bases- empower users to find answers to their questions without tying up service desk resources.

4.) Bespoke bulletins- notify users of ongoing and planned activities, reducing unnecessary contact with the service desk.

5.) Quick incident- templates allow rapid logging of frequently occurring incidents.

6.) Customisable incident screens- provide access to track incident progress and status by dragging and dropping to sort or group different criteria including; category, status and priority.

7.) Intelligent user registration- automatically recognises the user domain to determine the optimum configuration, alternatively registration can be confirmed by support desk operators.

8.) Scalable best practice architecture- based on .NET and Microsoft IIS platforms supporting multiple concurrent sessions.

9.) Change management- to view existing Requests for Change (RFC) that have been approved and raising new requests.

To evaluate the Richmond SupportDesk Self Service Portal a free 30 day trial is available, to download please click here.

Industry Focus

Richmond SupposrDesk has clients in a variety of different Industries, here are but a few:

Housing Associations


Automotive Industry
